RELMA 3.2/LOINC 2.21 Released

Mark Leighton Fisher on 2007-07-20T20:08:20

RELMA 3.21/LOINC 2.21 are now available for download (RELMA is my primary focus here at Regenstrief Institute).

There is a nice circularity here, as I was heavily influenced by Gerard Salton's seminal paper, "A New Comparison Between Conventional Indexing (MEDLARS) and Automatic Text Processing (SMART)", while developing the TCE Corporate Technical Memory (created in 1993, it was one of the first web-based knowledge management applications). MEDLARS and its descendant MEDLINE use the NLM Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), and here I am now adding the code to RELMA for displaying the NLM MeSH info of LOINC Parts.